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International Day of Older People 2023

A woman over 50 at work
Created on
26 September 2023

The Mayor signs the Age-friendly Employer Pledge 

Today, 1 October, is International Day of Older People, the annual day designated by the United Nations to reflect on the opportunities and challenges of the ageing population, and to promote an inclusive society for all ages.

This year the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is taking the important step of signing the Age-friendly Employer’s pledge to make City Hall a more inclusive workplace for older people.

The Greater London Authority (GLA) will be joining around 170 organisations nationally who have pledged to become an age-friendly employer, signalling their recognition of the importance and value of older workers.

Employers commit to taking steps to improve work conditions for people in their 50s and 60s and to help them flourish in a multi-generational workforce.

The Mayor is leading by example and taking action to ensure that people aged 50 and over are valued at work. He wants older people to thrive in their careers at City Hall.

From making an application, to day one of the job and beyond, older people should feel confident and supported in their contribution to the GLA and the life of the city. They should also be able to do this while still accommodating the things that are important to them outside of work.

To enable this, the GLA offers a range of flexible working arrangements for staff. This could be part-time working, job sharing, working compressed hours or other arrangements that suit both the staff member and the job role. The GLA also has a pioneering menopause policy, offers annual health screening assessments for all staff aged 50 or over and provides career development for staff at all ages.

Staff networks are actively encouraged and supported by the GLA. These connect staff who share common experiences, within and outside of work, and provide an important platform for staff to raise their common concerns with management.

The GLA’s Parent and Carers Network is particularly valuable to older staff who are carers for family members. The GLA’s Wellbeing Network supports the emotional, physical, and financial wellbeing of staff while ensuring that wellbeing remains a key priority for the organisation.

Encouraging the age diversity of its workforce is part and parcel of the GLA’s approach to achieving a workforce which truly reflects the diversity of the city. Data on the number and proportion of people aged 50 and over within the GLA’s workforce is released every 6 months.

The Mayor is urging employers in the city to follow his lead and show their commitment to creating more age-friendly workplaces by signing the pledge.

He also encourages older Londoners to consider career opportunities at the home of London government. The employers pledge recognises the importance and value of older workers.

Deputy Mayor, Dr Debbie Weekes-Bernard