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Have your say on the Mayor’s draft strategies on Talk London

Talk London
Created on
12 September 2017

The Mayor’s consultations are in full swing on Talk London. Until the end of November, you can have your say on his draft strategies for the Environment, Health Inequalities and Housing. All you have to do is sign up for an account and take part in our surveys or discussions.

Let’s have a look at what you’ve been saying so far.

Environment consultation

London environment consultation

Toxic air, noise pollution, the threat to our green spaces and the adverse effects of climate change all pose major risks to the health and wellbeing of Londoners.

We’re hosting a number of surveys and discussions so you can tell us what you think of the Mayor’s proposals to tackle these environmental issues, including: Green space & Noise, Air Quality & Water, Recycling & Waste and Household Energy.

The thread on London National Park City is a popular one, lots of Londoners are sharing their views on how to make the capital greener: more green social spaces, substantial balconies for all flats and more hedges near roads.

Many Londoners also feel there should be a deposit scheme for bottles and that coffee shops should do more to encourage customers to use a cup-for-life. Many of you also tell us that you'd like to be able to recycle more in your local area.

Have a look at the discussions and join in to have your say.

Health Inequalities consultation

School boy eating apple

The Mayor and other organisations working in health in London can work together to ensure that all Londoners can benefit from a healthy lifestyle.

Share your views in our survey and discussions on issues like healthy communities, mental health, GP visits, child obesity and more, to help them shape the London Health Inequalities strategy.

Many of you shared your views on smoking and drinking, and consider yourselves social drinkers. Some have suggested to lower the amount of alcohol in drinks or make bottles and cans less attractive.

We’ve started a mental health discussion together with Thrive London and got many replies on how living in London is affecting your mental health. Many of you have pointed out you suffer from daily stress caused by a fast-paced life, overcrowded public transport and noise pollution.

Raising your families in London, quite a few of you are worried about air pollution and struggle with accommodation.

Read what other Londoners had to say on health or join in.

Housing consultation

Houses in London

Providing Londoners with a decent and affordable home is one of the greatest challenges facing the capital today.

Our consultation on the Mayor’s Housing Strategy debates the policies and proposals that will provide a long-term plans to tackle the housing crisis.

Help to shape this strategy by taking the survey or join in with one of our discussions. We’d like to hear from all of you:

Thanks for all your contributions so far and see you soon on Talk London.

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